War Thunder Camouflage Installer

War Thunder
Camouflage Installer

Unleash Your Creativity, Dominate the Battlefield

🚀 Open Source Project 🚀

Join our community and contribute to this exciting project!

Transform your vehicles with ease. Browse, manage, and apply custom skins in just a few clicks.

"And now for something completely different: A camo installer that actually works!"

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Key Features

Camouflage Database Management

  • Browse and search through a database of War Thunder camouflages
  • View detailed information about each camouflage, including descriptions, and file size
  • Display camouflage images in a grid layout

Advanced Search & Filtering

  • Search camouflages by name or description
  • Filter camouflages using tags and hashtags
  • Customizable tag system with the ability to add custom tags

User-Friendly Interface

  • Intuitive navigation between camouflages
  • Detailed view and main view options for browsing camouflages
  • Pagination for easy navigation through large sets of results

Skin Installation & Management

  • One-click installation of selected camouflages
  • Custom directory structure support for organized skin management
  • Option to import local skin files

Performance & Customization Options

  • Multithreaded image loading for smooth performance
  • Ability to set and change the War Thunder skins directory
  • Customizable file structure for installed skins

Error Handling & Utilities

  • Clear error messages and status updates
  • Export and import tag collections for backup or sharing
  • About section with version information

User Interface

Window on initial load

The window on initial load

Main Window

Main window

Detailed View

Detailed view with sidebar, tagging, and search

Get Started

Download the latest version of War Thunder Camouflage Installer and start customizing your vehicles today!

Download Latest Version

Compatible with Windows. Requires War Thunder installation.

Visit Release Page

How to Install

To install the War Thunder Camouflage Installer, follow these steps:

  • Download the latest .exe and .db files from the Download section.
  • Ensure both files are in the **same directory**.
  • Navigate to the folder and run the .exe file to start the application.
  • If you're using the source code, you'll need to compile the project manually. Instructions are provided on the GitHub page.

About the Project

War Thunder Camouflage Installer is an open-source project developed by hasnocool. It aims to simplify the process of managing and installing custom skins for War Thunder enthusiasts.

Connect with the Developer

GitHub: https://github.com/hasnocool

Email: hasnocool@outlook.com

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fleshwounded

Support the Project

Dogecoin Address: D6R9njUqnbvPjP1CVceeP1EG7E6h3PzffB

X (Twitter): https://x.com/fleshwounded

War Thunder Profile: Fleshwounded