Hasnocool's Developer Portfolio

Hasnocool's Projects

Innovative open-source software for gamers and developers.

Featured Projects

War Thunder Camouflage Installer

An open-source tool to easily install and manage War Thunder skins. Customize your vehicles with ease!

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War Thunder Screenshot Contest Automate

Automates screenshots in War Thunder and posts them to forums, making you eligible for prizes like Golden Eagles.

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War Thunder Data Scraper

A powerful scraper tool to datamine player profiles, in-game data, forums, and more from War Thunder.

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War Thunder Mod Installer

An open-source mod installer for War Thunder, making it easier to install and manage game mods.

View on GitHub Visit Official Website

Support My Work

If you like what you see here, or if you’ve used any of my apps and found them helpful, donations and contributions are very much welcomed. Supporting my work helps me continue creating and improving the tools and projects I’m passionate about.

Your support enables me to dedicate more time to developing projects like the War Thunder Camouflage Installer and other upcoming tools. Every bit helps, and I'm incredibly grateful for your generosity!

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Connect with Me

Feel free to reach out for collaboration or to check out my work.